Parameter types in use

Types of parameters you might need to use when interacting with Kuna v4 API

Parameter types in use

You will meet three types of parameters when calling endpoints: PATH, QUERY and BODY.
The PATH parameter is added to the end of the path of an endpoint URL.
For example highlighted BTC_USDT is a PATH parameter in this exemplary route:

"Alt text"

The QUERY parameters go after the path as query parameters, separated from path using ? and separated between each other using & chars.
For example, highlighted ?limit=10 is a QUERY parameter appended to the end of the same route:

"Alt text

or ?sort=desc&pairs=BTC_UAH are 2 query parameters in the GET active orders call:

Alt text

The BODY parameters are packed in a JSON inside the body of a sent message:

Alt text

PATH and QUERY are usually seen together. The BODY parameters usually substitute usage of the other two.