Get client balance [Private]

Review account wallets balance. Returns an array of the balances of all your wallets.

This is a private route, so the api-key parameter should be sent in the header.

Data dictionary


This endpoint does not take any parameters.

Exemplary request

Please use this endpoint: {{baseURL}}/v4/private/getBalance

Response structure

You will receive a JSON in the response with data object, structured like this example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "currency": "UAH",                    // Wallet currency
        "balance": "7134.6",                  // Available balance, precision depends on the currency
        "lockBalance": "100"                  // Minimum amount locked on the balance
        "currency": "ETH",                    // Wallet currency
        "balance": "10929514.7810025",        // Available balance, precision depends on the coin
        "lockBalance": "69922.041"            // Minimum amount locked on the balance
        "currency": "BTC",                    // Wallet currency
        "balance": "9994849.763209032",       // Available balance, precision depends on the coin
        "lockBalance": "5110.24204168"        // Minimum amount locked on the balance



As there are no parameters for this endpoint, you may encounter only general errors while using it.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!