Cancel multiple orders [Private]

Cancel several open orders at once. Returns confirmation upon success.

This is a private route, so the api-key parameter should be sent in the header.

Data dictionary

NameTypeParameter typeRequiredRangeDescription
orderIdsstringBODYYES-Should be a unique order id. For example, c7fc5b2b-bd9d-48c1-a458-a83412669cf4


If one or several orders from the batch have been traded or closed, the system will notify of this while still closing the remaining open orders.

Exemplary request

Pack all the UUIDs of orders to cancel in an orderIds array in the body of the request {{baseURL}}/v4/order/private/cancel/multi:


Response structure

You will receive a JSON with data object with an array of objects with ids and statuses for each order you sent in the body, structured like this example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

       "id": "3e5591ba-2778-4d85-8851-54284045ea44",   // Unique identifier of a canceled order
       "success": true                                 // Status for this order
       "id": "4po3091bc-p278-o286-1452-o40s4045k42p",  // Unique identifier of a canceled order
       "success": true                                 // Status for this order


StatusError codeMessageParameterDescription
500Internal Server ErrorInvalid JSON-Expected a valid JSON in the body of request, but received something else. Recommend checking the structure, e.g. key-value pairs, quotes, etc.
400BAD_REQUESTOrder with status Closed can't be canceled-One or several orders you asked to cancel has already been closed/traded.
400BAD_REQUESTOrder with status Canceled can't be canceled-One or several orders you asked to cancel has already been canceled.
500WrongRequestExceptioneach value in orderIds must be a UUIDorderIdsOne or several order ids did not match UUID pattern. All should look like c7fc5b2b-bd9d-48c1-a458-a83412669cf4
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!