Get market info by tickers [Public]

Get information on specific traded pairs. Returns an array of trading pairs objects.

This is a public route, no need for authorization.

Data dictionary

NameTypeParameter typeRequiredRangeDescription
pairsstringQUERYYES-A pair of tickers, e.g. BTC_USDT


At least one trading pair should be sent.

Exemplary request

Please try this request for a start: {{baseURL}}/v4/markets/public/tickers?pairs=BTC_USDT,ETH_BTC

Response structure

You will receive a JSON in the response with data object, filled with an array of Trading Pairs objects structured like in this example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "pair": "BTC_USDT",                     // Traded pair
        "percentagePriceChange": "1",           // Relative price change, in percent  
        "price": "19999",                       // Current median price
        "equivalentPrice": "",                  // TBD
        "high": "20163",                        // Highest price
        "low": "19883",                         // Lowest price
        "baseVolume": "32.131491000001674",     // Traded volume as base 
        "quoteVolume": "642635.7276489848",     // Traded volume as quote
        "bestBidPrice": "19975",                // The best bid price now
        "bestAskPrice": "19976",                // The best ask price now
        "priceChange": "19999"                  // Absolute price change
        "pair": "ETH_BTC",                      // The following pair was not traded yesterday
        "percentagePriceChange": "0",
        "price": "0",
        "equivalentPrice": "",
        "high": "0",
        "low": "0",
        "baseVolume": "0",
        "quoteVolume": "0",
        "bestBidPrice": "0",
        "bestAskPrice": "0",
        "priceChange": "0"


StatusError codeMessageParameterDescription
500Empty data object-pairsHave to send at least one pair to receive a meaningful response
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!