General API information

General information you need to know before using the API

General API information (docs revision 2022.11.01-014)

Base URL

The base URL is:

Request/response schema

All requests and responses are application/json content type and follow typical HTTP response status codes for success and failure.

Public and Private endpoints

There are 2 types of endpoints: public and private.
Public endpoints can be called without authenticating.
Private endpoints require authorization when sending requests.

For your convenience, we placed corresponding tags next to endpoints to indicate whether they are public or private.

The list of public and private API endpoints

Here is a quick summary of public and private endpoints.

These endpoints can be called without authorization:

Public endpointsDescription
/v4/markets/public/getAllView all trading pairs
/v4/markets/public/tickersView specific trading pairs
/v4/order/public/bookView public order book
/v4/trade/public/bookView public trades book

These endpoints require authorization:

Private endpointsDescription
/v4/private/meView your account info
/v4/private/getBalanceView your wallet balances
/v4/order/private/activeView your active orders
/v4/order/private/detailsView details of a single order
/v4/order/private/historyView your order history
/v4/order/private/createCreate a new order
/v4/trade/private/historyView your trades history
/v4/order/private/cancelCancel a single order
/v4/order/private/cancel/multiCancel multiple orders
/v4/deposit/private/fiat/createCreate a new deposit
/v4/deposit/private/fiat/detailsView details of a single deposit
/v4/deposit/private/fiat/paymentMethodsView available payment methods

API calls rate limits

Kuna Exchange implemented the following API rate limits:

  1. Public endpoints - 60 calls per minute;
  2. Private endpoints - 600 calls per minute;
  3. Pro accounts - 1200 calls per minute to all endpoints.