Currencies Rates Streams

Stream of currencies rates

Rates Stream

Stream Name: rates

Update Speed: real-time

Description: The rates stream provides real-time updates for changes to a currencies rate. Each update includes information about changes reference currencies (for now they are USD, UAH, BTC, EUR) for each asset.


type Rates = Rate[];

type Rate = {
  currency: string;
  equivalent: Equivalent[];

type Equivalent = {
  currency: string;
  amount: string;


    "currency": "BTC"
          "currency": "USD", 
          "amount": "23242.091151280365"
          "currency": "UAH", 
          "amount": "849930.73447471115554"
          "currency": "BTC"
          "amount": "1"
          "currency": "EUR"
          "amount": "22012.657907713116872"