Get public orders book [Private]

Get a list of order prices by pair (e.g. BTC_USDT). Returns a list of order prices, 2 arrays for Bids and Asks; lowest first for Asks, highest first for Bids; leveled by order prices, but no more levels than specified by the level parameter.


To call any private endpoint, headers should include authorization key(s).

You may use a single API key or a public-private key pair based on your current tasks. Here you may find typical Header configurations for both options.

Method name:/v4/order/private/book/{pairs}
Request type:GET

Data dictionary

NameTypeParameter typeRequiredRangeDescription
pairstringPATHYES-A trading pair as per the list from Get all traded markets endpoint
levelintQUERYNO5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000Amount of price levels for existing orders in the response


Parameter level defaults to 1000 if not provided.

Exemplary request

Example pathDescription
/v4/order/private/book/BTC_USDT?level=5Returns a list of order prices for BTC_USDT; 5 lowest for Asks and 5 highest fir Bids
/v4/order/private/book/BTC_USDTReturns a list of order prices for BTC_USDT; 1000 lowest for Asks and 1000 highest fir Bids
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; // put here your Api key

const url = "";
const path = "/v4/order/private/book/BTC_USDT?level=5";
const options = {
  headers: {
    accept: "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "api-key": apiKey,

fetch(url + path, options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((showResponse) => console.log(;
import requests

apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";  # put here your Api key

url = ""
path = "/v4/order/private/book/BTC_USDT?level=5"
headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "api-key": apiKey,

request = requests.get(url + path, headers=headers)

How to call public endpoints here

Swagger here


  "asks": [        // An array of sell orders
      "16950",     // Sell price, level 1
      "0.001"      // Sell quantity, level 1
      "17000",     // Sell price, level 2
      "0.01"       // Sell quantity, level 2
  "bids": [        // An array of buy orders
      "16700",     // Sell price, level 1
      "0.01"       // Sell quantity, level 1
      "16000",     // Sell price, level 2
      "0.001"      // Sell quantity, level 2