Get private trades history [Private]

Get a list of trades by pair (e.g. BTC_USDT). Returns an array of your trades with details on each trade, 10 trades maximum, newest first.


To call any private endpoint, headers should include authorization key(s).

You may use a single API key or a public-private key pair based on your current tasks. Here you may find typical Header configurations for both options.

Method name:/v4/trade/private/history
Request type:GET

Data dictionary

NameTypeParameter typeRequiredRangeDescription
pairstringQUERYNO-A trading pair as per the list from Get all traded markets endpoint.
orderIdstringQUERYNO-UUID of an order, to receive trades for this order only.
sortenumQUERYNOasc, descSort the resulting list newest-on-top (desc) or oldest-on-top (asc).


You need to know:

If pair and orderId were not specified, returns the latest 10 trades for any trade pair and any order.

Exemplary request

To properly test this endpoint, you need to have trades in your account. The easiest way is to create 2 alike order of different order side (Ask/Bid) and let them close each other. Use Create a new order endpoint to create a new order. Once done, please use this endpoint:

Example pathDescription
/v4/trade/private/historyReturns the latest 10 trades for any trade pair and any order.
/v4/trade/private/history?pair=BTC_USDTReturns information of your trades in BTC_USDT pair.
/v4/trade/private/history?orderId=3eaaed5d-0b59-47b9-9f5b-524af0395fb3Returns information about your order with its trades.
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; // put here your Api key

const url = "";
const path = "/v4/trade/private/history?pair=BTC_USDT";
const options = {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    accept: "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "api-key": apiKey,

fetch(url + path, options)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((showResponse) => console.log(;
import requests

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"  # put here your Api key

url = ""
path = "/v4/trade/private/history?pair=BTC_USDT"
headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "api-key": api_key,

request = requests.get(url + path, headers=headers)

How to call private endpoints here

Swagger here


    id: "edb17459-c9bf-4148-9ae6-7367d7f55d71",        // Unique identifier of a trade
    orderId: "a80bec3f-4ffa-45c1-9d78-f6301e9748fe",   // Unique identifier of an order associated with the trade
    pair: "BTC_USDT",                                  // Traded pair, base asset first, followed by quoted asset
    quantity: "1.5862",                                // Traded quantity of base asset
    price: "19087",                                    // Price of the trade
    isTaker: true,                                     // Various fees for Makers and Takers; "Market" orders are always `true`
    fee: "0.0039655",                                  // Exchange commission fee
    feeCurrency: "BTC",                                // Currency of the commission
    isBuyer: true,                                     // Buy or sell the base asset
    quoteQuantity: "30275.7994",                       // Quote asset quantity spent to fulfill the base amount
    createdAt: "2022-09-29T13:43:53.824Z",             // Date-time of trade execution, UTC